Lets Salute Jimmy Aubrey
13 February 2006
During a ninety eight year life he acted in three hundred and sixty five films and also directed three films and edited two films. Thus it is impossible for me to assess his career. But I appreciate his hard working life . His contribution to Hollywood would be typical of the many unsung workers that make THE MOVIES. I enjoyed and found amusing, his acting in "The Phantom Cowboy". The film is certainly made with the very lowest of budgets. However please remember that " The Phamtom Cowboy " was made in 1935 and this was in the middle of The Great Depression and many USA cinemas were in dire conditions,often facing bankruptcy. There was a market for low cost films such as "Yhe Phantom Cowboy". I think even today many people enjoy such B films. W.R Hearst(" of Citizen Kane fame) certainly did so and had repeated showings of favorite B films in his private cinema.
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