Review of H-Bomb

H-Bomb (1976)
12 February 2006
This is one weird movie; From the James Bond sounding title song (where can I get the soundtrack?!)to the crazy (and terribly badly edited) car chases to the weird love triangle between Chris Mitchums, Olivia Husseys and "some-thai-actors" characters!

Nothing makes sense in this movie and the entire thing feels like it was edited by a bunch of blind chimpanzees...NO! Scratch that! DRUNK blind chimpanzees! And on top of all this it has the usual geeky sounding English dubbed voices so typical of martial arts movies from the seventies. Although it isn't really a martial arts movie as much as it is a silly secret agent-adventure movie; despite of what your (or at least my) VHS cover tells you! So if you want your typical Golden Harvest kung fu flick you'll probably be disappointed. But... if you're a as big a fan of all kinds of weird, crazy and obscure exploitation cinema as I am you'll love it!

Sure its silly and stupid and you'll probably leave this movie with quite the reduced number of brain cells but its also boatloads of fun! Its fast and furious and full of surprisingly cool biker stunts! Plus a great big collision between two trains coming at full speed towards each other resulting in a big a** explosion!

And if you ,like myself, has a total crush on the ever so beautiful and talented Olivia Hussey and also quite the soft spot for the suave style of Chris Mitchum you're guaranteed to get a kick out of this! Both actors can btw actually leave this movie with their dignity intact and thats no small feat considering what a whopper of a turkey this thai action fest really is!

So anyway...if you've liked what you've read so far be sure to pick it up if you find it somewhere hidden in your local videostore, you wont be sorry you did!

OH! I probably should mention that there is NO guarantee whatsoever that you'll like this movie just cuz you like "SUMMERTIME KILLER"(1972) since they have nothing really in common except for Chris and Olivia and some biker stunts! Personally I liked "SUMMERTIME KILLER" better than this movie but I think they're both really cool. Allbeit one more campalicious than the other!

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