PART 2 - My Personal Favorite Of The Trilogy
20 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This installment of the HANZO trilogy has all the samurai swordplay and rape torture that we've come to expect from our renegade officer - and it's all turned up a notch in THE SNARE...

This one starts with Hanzo's attempt to close down a mystical abortion practitioner - and leads to a convent that offers up it's girls for S&M play to the highest bidder. Finally Hanzo's adventures lead him to a mission to bring down a notorious thief, and also a high-ranking and greedy Treasurer who's cutting gold for his own ends.

THE SNARE has all the elements that SWORD OF JUSTIC had, it just lays it on a little thicker. More swordplay, more sleazy sex and rape interrogation - basically all the good stuff made a little heavier. Definitely recommended for the series fan, or for anyone who digs martial-arts/samurai/pinky-style films - 8.5/10
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