Review of Manasarovar

Manasarovar (2004)
laugh,laugh,laugh and sigh
21 February 2006
It is a crazy, fun film with underlying serious overtones. The whacky dialogues penned by the writer-director will keep you laughing till it hurts..

"All the world loves a lover ……" The theme of unrequited love has a universal appeal.

This award winning movie, showcases one-sided affection in a lighter vein, but does a double take and ends on a somber note. The male protagonist of the film has attained his inner peace. The female protagonist, seeks it too. Both eventually go "far from the madding crowd" to Manasarovar,a lake in the Himalayas, where all souls attain nirvana.

The verdant backdrop of the backwaters of Kerala and other scenic locales are a visual treat. The music score is good as well.

The movie is about two brothers who meet the same girl on different occasions. The two siblings are as different as chalk from cheese, like a town mouse and country mouse.

Anup Kurian,in his debut film, already has his own signature style of film-making, which makes delightful viewing. He conveys the comradeship and camaraderie between the two brothers,who not only cook together but also pass out together after sharing rum from a bowl. That was neat (pun intended). This is indeed, sibling revelry of the Indian kind! Another scene, where the country bumpkin (played by Atul Kulkarni), meets the corporate goon in the restroom, is truly hilarious. Kulkarni's exaggerated expressions of exasperation will certainly send the viewer into splits. And yet another scene, actually a soliloquy, is shown instead as a very engaging conversation with a pachyderm!

And there are the subtle touches, as in the scene where the street-smart,urban career girl, (played perfectly by Neha Dubey), turns down the country bumpkin's ardent marriage proposal. He is dressed in a bright green shirt (which will make any yuppie cringe) and she is dressed in red.

Although the language is 'Indian English' with Indian accents as well, this film will appeal to a global audience.

Definitely worth a dekko, even though it is rather slow. The film does not have a happy ending . . . .it is left open to the viewer.

This film was made on a shoe-string budget and relies heavily on word-of-mouth publicity. It is certainly worth your while, as well as your money.
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