Gilda Radner's autobiography offers some insight.
6 March 2006
When "Haunted Honeymoon" was released, the critics panned it and almost no one saw it. But it does have a certain charm to it. Featuring Gene Wilder and Gilda Radner as husband-and-wife-to-be Larry Abbot and Vickie Pearle staying in a Gothic mansion where there may or may not be a werewolf, the movie's completely silly but pretty funny. There's certainly an air of "Young Frankenstein" here. Dom DeLuise looks really zany playing a woman, and the movie also stars Jonathan Pryce and Paul Smith (the prison guard from "Midnight Express").

If you want to know more about this movie, read Gilda Radner's autobiography "It's Always Something". She talks about how they filmed it, and Gene Wilder stayed in England to edit it. While he was there, Chernobyl happened. So, she was worried about him in Europe with a radioactive cloud hanging over it.

I wonder what ever became of Gene Wilder. He seems to have disappeared ever since Gilda Radner died.
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