Air Bud: Spikes Back (2003 Video)
Disney is turning in his cryogenic, anti-semetic grave.
2 March 2006
The Disney company is a corporation, so we have no reason to expect them to keep from doing something that they shouldn't do if money is involved. Air Bud is a perfect example of how much money can be made off of sequels to incredibly stupid movie. I hate to brake it to you people, but the original Air Bud was not a good movie! Wow, what a revelation!!! But the fact that an Air Bud 5 even exists should be enough reason for God or Budha or Captain Crunch to come down upon the human race with fire and brimstone and giant, fire-breathing waterfowl that will kill whoever is responsible for destroying the imaginations and intellect of the children who watch these effortless films because their parents sit them down in front of the TV for ninety minutes so that they can have their "special time" to create more worthless children to cover our forsaken earth until were overrun with hopeless, sagging drones who vote for George Bush and watch reality television! phew... You already know the plot of this movie. Your children already know the plot of this movie. If they're going to watch something, have them watch a Disney classic, please, I really do fear for their future... (p.s. Not all those who vote for George Bush are idiots, but most are)
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