frankly, I was hoping it would be weirder,...
8 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'd heard about this film many times over the years and I am well aware that it has achieved "cult status". Being a lover of odd films, I knew I'd have to see it sooner or later. However, after seeing it, I was a little surprised HOW popular this film was. Yes, it was different and odd, but frankly, I've seen a lot weirder stuff so most of the shock value just wasn't there for me. For example, ED AND HIS DEAD MOTHER, HAPPINESS OF KATAKURIS, THE APPLE, MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL, and a lot of other films seem much more unusual and funnier. I had a hard time figuring out why I was so under-whelmed by it--and after a day of thinking I finally realize why I felt this way. The performances, generally, were lacking energy--especially the underground dwellers who mostly looked like they were just going through the motions. I really expected magic from Jason Robards and something weird from Alvy Moore (Mr. Kimbel from Green Acres--who didn't just act in this film but produced it). The only part that really jumped out for me was the very end where it appears Don fed his lady friend to his dog (she did have it coming, by the way). This was an excellent sick touch. Otherwise, this movie is like a combination of a MAD MAX film and MARS NEEDS WOMEN, though in this case the underground dwellers need fertile men instead. Great? Nope--but still pretty creative and worth seeing. I just wouldn't rush out to do so.

NOTE: This is not a good film for kids, as there is quite a bit of nudity and crude discussions about sex.
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