8 March 2006
This is a good example of why you should never act in a movie you direct as well as write the songs and screenplay for, unless your name is Woody Allen (And sometimes even if your name is Woody Allen). Dwight does not give his character Valentine the brooding depth that was intended. Valentine instead looks dozy most of the time and says the first thing he can think of. The only person who shines in this movie is Bud Cort. Vince Vaughn does OK too. But not even Billy Bob Thornton can add colour to this drab movie, mostly because he isn't given more than a few words to say. His character is also completely undeveloped, as are most of the other characters. It's just embarrassing how obvious it is that the camera was intended to be on the character of Valentine all the time, like this was going to be Dwight's big Oscar break. But the character is boring and uninspiring. The aimlessness of the movie as a whole is frustrating. It's also either too long, or it just felt that way.
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