Hound Dog and other Napoleonic imagery
11 March 2006
when i found out this film was at last available on DVD, i spent a fortune getting it shipped in from the States. it is a true comic masterpiece, and something of a tragedy that it is not well know. all the more tragic is that the guys who made it, for the most part, did very little afterwards.

Pondo Sinatra is the epitome of the word "dude". he is all men as he is no man, if you follow, and one cannot but help revel in his journey from no-good, frustrated and aroused nobody towards being a quasi-Napoleon type leader or figure of adulation.

it's tempting to highlight certain scenes, but i would rather encourage you to go out and discover this gem of a movie for yourself.

as with other comments, i would say a big plus for this film is the soundtrack. i discovered just how good The Buzzcocks were thanks to this film, and the rest of the music is equally good.

a unique, original and downright funny film in a very worn out and repetitive genre. waste no more time on pale, watered down trash like the American Pie films and discover the film that they all wished they could make.
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