Wonderfully done and important story well over due.
11 March 2006
A beautiful and unforgettable love story that unfortunately so many would never understand or have any compassion for. The comments made by comedians, especially, Jay Leno, David Letterman and Kimmel are hideous and I hope many thousands of viewers that have a ounce of compassion never see or support their careers again. These so called "jokes" have destroyed many lives and contribute to the large number of deaths of young people that are made to feel hated and ashamed for the way they feel, because of what they are. The hatred and lack of compassion displayed by civilized people, against others is so very sad and unexplainable. All people that are or will become parents, and all the adults in their lives must stop the circle of hate due to lack of knowledge or understanding of others. This movie shows what the behavior of our society and religious beliefs, has done to the lives to so many. This story is real life to many, and was clearly written to educated the public how their nonacceptance of others causes nothing but heartache, pain, and wasted lives for so many. The work done in this story and movie is remarkable, and done with outstanding talented and beautiful people.
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