Its possiobly the worst rom-com ever made
13 March 2006
Maid in Manhatten is a tragic film, and I don't mean it has a tragic story. No instead what I am saying is its so bad its tragic. Maid in Manhatten is about a maid who works at a nice big hotel were everything is fine but she yearns for more. In the midst of all this a suitably gorgeous politician moves into the hotel. A case of mistaken identity mean that they go for a sunny walk and he falls in love with her but cant find her. Its basically a poorly judged and woefully acted take on Cinderella only this time with a far sexier Cinderella. Sexy she may be but a gifted actress she is not, Jennifer Lopez puts in a dire performance and one that had me cringe at times. Ralph Fiennes star of such great films as Schindlers List and The constant Gardner should avoid Rom-Coms because based on his performance here they are'nt his thing. The jokes are either sickeningly predictable or just plain plain rubbish in the end I think I laughed once and it was a minor giggle. The Romantic Comedy genre is full of atrocious films so when I report this is possiobly the worst ever you know its seriously bad. So to conclude Maid in Manhatten fails on all counts and its home will always be a DVD bargain bin
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