The CBC needs to do more of these
13 March 2006
Very interesting movie in 2-parts about Tommy Douglas. He's the father of medicare in Canada, but so much more. This mini-series (4 hours total) tells the story of a great Canadian. In fact, he was voted the greatest Canadian by the citizens of this country a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, his work and accomplishments are not well enough known by ordinary Canadians. That's why this mini-series is so important. It helps that Michael Therriault is doing a terrific job as T.C. Douglas. It helps also that the supporting cast is great. And the use of archives adds on to the story. Too bad though that the mini-series focuses almost entirely on the creation of medicare. A longer series was perhaps needed.

Seen at home, in Toronto, on March 12th and 13th, 2006.

81/100 (***)
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