Absurdities, warmth and wit!
15 March 2006
An extremely enjoyable film, which highlighted some of the absurdities of the times - "no need to worry we're getting the barber in" and that it was OK to die for your country but heaven fore fend if you saw naked flesh and especially not moving naked flesh. However this film is also a film of genuine warmth and wit.

It is no surprise that Judie Dench is a true delight, and she certainly sparkles as someone who is herself a human of warmth and wit. It was also good to see Thelma Barlow on the screen once more. Kelly Reilly is perfect in the role of Maureen. The real surprise is Will Young, one didn't expect singer of real talent to come from a TV pop contest but most singers who try to cross over into acting fail abysmally but Will Young shows that he might have real talent in this area as well.
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