Review of Jenin, Jenin

Jenin, Jenin (2003)
15 March 2006
I have not seen such a bad movie in a LONG time. Basically, if you wish to view and enjoy pure propaganda that is based on fiction and one-sided, biased, and hateful views, by all means you are invited to watch this movie. The other reviewer iliteratti has in fact proved that he lives up to his name - ILLITERATE. No one can be that naive and foolish, or can one?? I read avidly about the politics and all surrounding issues concerning the bitter and long-term conflict in the Middle East. I would also like to think that, unlike so many who have a stake in holding one position over another, I am not prejudiced one way or another. I call it as I see it and I base my conclusions on facts after carefully reviewing all pertinent information relating to a given situation. When one reads all the facts and figures as they related to the Israeli operation in jenin, one cannot be but impressed with the utmost concern for human life shown by the Israelis. In fact, I can ONLY wish our OWN military would show that kind of concern in similar situations. Therefore, to base one beliefs strictly on this movie amounts to sheer idiocy. have you read and heard that, Mr. Iliteratti?? War and conflict are ugly by definition and there's nothing anyone can do or say to mitigate that ugliness. That being said, the Israeli military incurred some heavy casualties exactly BECAUSE it took great care to protect the innocent. Were there innocent casualties during the Jenin operation? undoubtedly so. Unfortunately, no army in the entire world can conduct such large scale operations within crowded urban conditions (especially those encountered in a heavily crowded and shabbily constructed refugee camp) with surgical precision. If the Israelies wished to spare their own soldiers, they would and could have simply bombed the camp indisriminantly. they opted against such a sweeping punitive action and that choice ought to be applauded. The movie tried to make it seem as THOUGH it was based in reality whereas anyone who is familiar with the facts can easily see the facts were relayed in a wrong, misleading, purposeful manner. Unfortunately, even IF one wished to regard this movie as pure fiction, it still did not amount to anything worthwhile viewing. MUCH LESS SO when the producers portrayed their work as realism. Thus, to go along with the movie as though it mirrored reality (as Mr. Iliteratti had done) amounts to naiveté, at best.
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