Alice White as a Kewpie Doll
15 March 2006
Minor but amusing comedy starring that little kewpie doll, Alice White.

For a few years in the late 20s and early 30s White was a big name and starred in a series of comedies and musicals.

In THE NAUGHTY FLIRT she plays a spoiled rich girl who travels in a fast set of country club kids. She runs across a staid lawyer in night court when the "gang" has been hauled in for disturbing the peace at a local dive. He works in her father's law firm.

Because he ignores her she floods him with invitations and finally lures him to a party where he continues to ignore her and pay attention to her rival, Myrna Loy. Of course this drive the little flirt crazy. The "Cinderella Dance" is interesting to say the least.

Myrna and her brother are almost broke (it's 1931) and they have a scheme for him to marry White with her $100,000/year income. So there are some more complications before the final clinch.

Alice White was the Goldie Hawn of her day, a delightful actress who could sing a little and dance a little. She was a rival to Clara Bow and was probably the last of the flappers. She's very good in this comedy. Myrna Loy has fun as the bitchy rival who schemes for money. Paul Page (looking like Fredric March) plays the lawyer. Robert Agnew is Wilbur, George Irving is the father, Douglas Gilmore is Jack, Fred Kelsey is the cop, and Lloyd Ingraham is the judge.

Cute film.
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