Not as bad as People are making it out to be...
18 March 2006
I remember this movie as a kid and just watched it again last night for the first time in 20+ years. Yeah the acting is pretty weak and a lot of the effects are laughable, but it really is pretty entertaining. Eerie music and a bunch of filthy looking rats add to that whole creepy '70's vibe.The lead character is kind of a cheesy Joe Namath wannabe. He must be quite the stud if he has the lead chick wanting to bone him in the midst of a vicious rat attack! The man vs. chicken scence is what I remember most from chidhood and it is hilarious. The wasps are the only truly poor effect as they are very obviously superimposed. But the cheese factor is a lot of the charm here, as with a lot of the movies of this era. If you like this flick I also would recommend "Frogs", another "nature takes it's revenge" movie that was a popular theme in the '70's. Worth a look....
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