One cool adventure into the origins of humanity
24 March 2006
This was an enthralling video we watched in my physical anthropology class. It takes us through all the major hominids, such as australopithecus afarensis (Lucy), homo habilis (the first toolmaker), and homo erectus (Turkana Boy, handaxes). We learned about how they could possibly have survived (or didn't survive against Africa in the Pleistocene), tools associated with the various hominids, whether or not they were violent hunters or scavengers. There were interviews/footage of famous archaeologists/scientists in the field such as Raymond Dart, the Leakys, and Lewis Binford. The recreation of the hominids, with fairly convincing makeup, were quite entertaining as well. High school biology classes would especially be interested in this film, or anyone wishing to know more about evolution. I give 9/10.
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