Review of Inside Man

Inside Man (2006)
Good Job Spike!
29 March 2006
I found this movie's premise to be novel. The bank robbery hides a complex story that will encourage much subsequent debate on ethical and moral issues. Racism is a main driver throughout, though it is not presented in a patronizing way, but instead in a comical manner. It is refreshing to see a movie, where none of the main characters is presented as being anything but fragile, imperfect humans. For all its merits, there is something missing here to make it a true classic and I think it lies in its perfect Hollywood-style ending.

The acting is throughout above average. Denzel and Jodie shine, though their roles are clearly more challenging to begin with. Owen, whose face is pretty much covered for most of the movie, doesn't really get an opportunity to impress us, neither does the rest of the cast. That being said, they deliver solid performances and let the stars bring it home.

Inside Man is definitely worth being seen at the theater. I suspect that it makes equally a decent date movie, family outing or night out with the guys/gals. For those unlucky ones who missed/will miss it, plan to rent it as soon as it comes out on DVD.

Denzel Washington (Detective Keith Frazier) - 10/10 - Denzel can do no harm.

Clive Owen (Dalton Russell) - 7/10 - Great performance that I am penalizing, considering the role seems to me at least rather not the hardest to play.

Jodie Foster (Madeline White) - 9/10 - Excellent pair of... uh...performance. Always manages to stay classy and on cue.

Christopher Plummer (Arthur Case) - 8/10 - Same as for Owen.

Willem Dafoe (Captain John Darius) - 7/10 - Same as for Owen.

Chiwetel Ejiofor (Detective Bill Mitchell) - 8/10 - The next Denzel, though I was disappointed in the scope of his presence in this one.

Spike Lee - 9/10 - Kudos for challenging the genre, spinning it on its head and delivering something fresh.
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