Review of Monday

The X-Files: Monday (1999)
Season 6, Episode 14
Fascinating variation on "Groundhog Day"
1 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Clearly inspired by the film "Groundhog Day" this fine episode of "The X-Files" takes its usual twists and turns taking the material that inspired it and making it truly unique for the show. While this isn't one of the best episodes of the show it's still a quality episode well written and performed with a nice twist to the end that most fans will probably figure out before the third act.

The episode begins with an unusual opening for "The X-Files" (and that is saying something); Mulder and Scully are dead. The entire episode revolves around showing us what happened and why. Mulder's clearly having a bad day--he wakes up to a water filled floor and discovers that the water bed he's not supposed to have (purchased in the episode "Dreamland")has sprung a leak. More importantly the water has leaked down to his apartment manager's room. Bad news for the cash strapped G-man. He's also late for a departmental meeting with Skinner (the leak shorted out his cellphone and the electricity in his apartment). He drags himself in only only to realize he needs to get to the bank and make a deposit before the check he just wrote his manager bounces. He's there when a robbery occurs. He's at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Anymore information would completely spoil the episode but some nice performances and twists save this from being a merely derivative episode. Like "Drive" it might fall just short of the standard established for the show's best seasons (you pick--3, 4 or 5)but it's still better written and performed than most shows out there today.
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