So what if he was right?
2 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
He wasn't was he? Let me start off with saying that I never read the book from which this telly mini series was made. I liked the acting but the premise/plot was just ridiculous. A man thinks that his wife is carrying on an affair with a man friend of hers, and drives himself insane because of it. I mean, come on! The plot was just dreadful. The more he accused his wife, the more the man friend's ego was being fed and the wife's just like this fraud puppet who acts like a dummy instead of just giving up her extra-marital nonsense for her hubby. Hey! you don't need to be sleeping with the guy to make your husband jealous! I watched this 4-hour-two-part mini series for the simple fact that it was very engaging and very well acted. The plot made me just want to go jump in a lake. Maybe, I'm just too modern, or I should have read the book first, I dunno but I just wasn't buying the premise. I appreciated the sub-plot of the young lass who fell in love with a stuck up grand-aunt's nephew better. This film is another pure example of how people from the Victorian era purposefully plagued themselves with such frivolously mindless things. Much ado about nothing, would be putting it mildly.
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