Review of Hard Pill

Hard Pill (2005)
Oh Wow!
27 March 2006
I started watching this movie while sitting one evening channel surfing. It caught my interest...and, at the end I said, WOW! I very seldom say WOW to a movie! There was laughter and there were tears. That is pretty rare in a movie these days. The initial premise is a pill which makes a gay guy go straight. You assume it is going to be a comedy. But, once it gets going, it is heavy. The movie brings to light how such a pill would ruin wonderful friendships and relationships. Feelings are hurt, bridges burned, and then mended again. Especially if you are an older gay person, it brings back memories from your own life. I remember thinking how I wish there was "straight" pill. As the movie shows, it is not such a good idea after all. Be sure to see it and enjoy.
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