This One Takes A Decidedly Different Approach...
9 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The first two GUTS films were far more splatterific than this most recent entry - RUSTED BODY. Although the sex is far more "erotic" and amped up quite a bit in this one - based on the strong gore elements in the previous installments, I was hoping for a lot more. RUSTED BODY plays out more like a 70's pinky film minus the intriguing story lines. Lots of tits-and-ass (which is never a bad thing), and a few inventive torture sequences (again, a good thing...) but lacking in anything really "strong" or "controversial", and that's what I tend to look for when it comes to the newer era of Japanese "extreme" films.

The storyline is convoluted and threadbare - but it concerns a small "gang" of criminals who use blackmail as their source of income. They set their sights on an adulteress bank worker who embezzled a bunch of cash, and his wife. Using some inventive tortures, including drunken-eel-rape and weiner-tieing, they eventually get the info that they need. Oh - and there's some thing about this weird bed-invention that makes people real horny...who knows...

RUSTED BODY isn't a terrible way to blow an hour or so - but it's nothing really special. Some relatively erotic scenes featuring our two big-titted female leads, nothing real special other than that. If the storyline would have been better, I could have passed it off as a modern-day pinky film. If there would have been (a lot) more gore, I could have praised it as a newer J-gore/sleaze film. Unfortunately, it didn't have either, so you're pretty much left with a tame soft-core porn film with a few "strong" scenes. Not bad and worth a look to the "subversive" cinema fans out there, but if you're down with this type of stuff, you've seen it all done before better somewhere else...7/10
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