Modern Men (2006)
Hilarious, well-written and deserves to be a success!
7 April 2006
I'm sorry, but I think it's unfair to judge the show based on the first ten minutes - I think this show absolutely rocks, and is definitely one of the more superior new sitcoms on TV. I've seen the first three episodes, and it just keeps getting funnier and funnier. The three guys might be losers when it comes to getting women and finding love, but that's exactly what works - that they *do*, quirkily and hyperbolically, reflect different romantic aspects of guys today (sad as that might sound). Tim is the "plain" dude who doesn't know how to deal with women and who winds up in trouble when he thinks he's doing the right thing; Doug is the divorcée who has never been with anyone other than his ex-wife and now doesn't know the rules of the game (making him the funniest character!); Kyle is the "Joey"-type bloke who sleeps around and has trouble connecting emotionally. As characters the guys are hilarious through their own idiosyncracies, and Jane Seymour as their therapist is suitable sexy and sharp-tongued to put them in their place. All in all, MM has *huge* potential - I hope the show does well and goes on for at least a few really does deserve to be a hit!
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