"You owe me a new coat." Dull cop thriller.
10 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Stripped to Kill starts with stripper & lesbian Angel (Michelle Foreman) telling fellow stripper & lesbian Roxanne (Pia Kamakahi) that she needs to tell her Brother that they are an item, Roxanne is hesitant as her Brother Eric is very attached to her. Angel receives a phone call from Roxanne later that night asking her to meet her on a bridge, once there Angel is attacked, raped, has petrol poured over her & set alight. Detectives Sheenan (Kay Lenz) & her partner Heineman (Greg Evigan) are witness to the incident but the killer escapes. When questioned Angel's fellow strippers are reluctant to speak openly to the police so there is no option but for Sheenan to go undercover in Angel's strip club, the Rock Bottom, as a stripper herself. Her partner Heineman is in the audience every night looking at the acts & keeping an eye on Sheenan (it's a dirty job but someone's got to do it). Then another stripper named Cinammon (Carlye Byron) is found brutally murdered, Sheenan & Heineman fear that a serial killer may be on the loose...

Co-written & directed by Katt Shea I thought Stripped to Kill was a pretty dull murder mystery. The script by Shea & co-producer Andy Ruben would have been far better as an hour long TV program rather than a 90 minute feature film, the central idea is alright & the actual twist ending when the killer is revealed is quite clever, fairly unexpected & pretty satisfying but there's just too much padding. My overall impression of Stripped to Kill is that there was a 30 minute murder mystery in there at best with the rest of the running time being eaten up with strip club routines which become boring & tedious, I can't believe that I just described women going topless as boring & tedious but that's how I felt after the fifth one. They are overlong, their boring & not very erotic either, in a time when anyone can download all sorts of porn on the internet the acts in Stripped to Kill are really tame. Eventually the constant strip scenes get in the way of the film proper.

Director Shea doesn't do anything particularly great but Stripped to Kill has a pretty sleazy atmosphere set in strip clubs & all the main character's are strippers, although few in number the murders are really quite brutal & effective. The films look has dated badly with a late 80's vibe to it, lots of bad music, hairstyles & clothes. There's a slit throat but otherwise there isn't much gore. There are plenty of topless ladies but no one goes full frontal or anything like that.

Technically Stripped to Kill is OK, it's competent enough & it's generally well made throughout. The acting was OK, everyone played their parts well enough.

Stripped to Kill was an average murder mystery that at it's heart has a decent story with a nice climax but the constant strip club routines became boring as did the really bad music that accompany them, worth watching but nothing particularly special. To add to his seemingly endless list of credits Roger Corman executive produced.
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