Low budget or just incompetence?
11 April 2006
The 4 is for the dramatic content, historical accuracy, etc. The rest (i.e. : nil) is for the technical aspect of the production. We were very disappointed with the sound and the picture. (Doesn't leave much, does it?)Why the "Blair Witch Project" cinematography? All it accomplished was to create tired, blurry eyes. The sound levels were very uneven, and there were subtitles missing (for those of us who don't speak Russian!). Many scene transitions were very amateurish. In fact, my wife and I thought we were watching somebody's High School project. If the poor quality of the production was an attempt to provide authenticity, let's err on the "Hollywood" side, and come up with something more watchable. Low budget or not, if CBC wants to stay in business, they need to come out with much better material.
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