Lost: The Other 48 Days (2005)
Season 2, Episode 7
The greatest episode of Lost ever?
12 April 2006
As you can judge by the title of this comment, I hold this episode in high regard. The only thing that plays on my mind now is, can Lost really ever get any better than this? This has to be the benchmark for all TV programmes from now on, not only is this the greatest episode of Lost to date it is also in my humble opinion the greatest episode of any programme ever. The characters, the story, the twists and lastly and possibly the best attribute the music score, it is simply breath taking. I have never known a TV show like this ever, i was such a huge 24 fan and still am but it does not compare to this (sorry Keither). Obviously I do not want to spoil anything for all you fans out there who have not seen the 2nd series yet so i will not mention names,places, stories or character arcs. Just be prepared to be amazed!

I'll leave you with this for now,

Me, well, I'm a man of faith. Do you really think all this...is an accident? That we, a group of strangers survived, many of us with just superficial injuries? Do you think we crashed on this place by coincidence, especially this place? We were brought here for a purpose, for a reason, all of us. Each one of us was brought here for a reason.
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