Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Improbable Cause (1995)
Season 3, Episode 20
Secondary character, "Garek," takes center stage
17 April 2006
Paired with "The Die is Cast," "Improbable Cause" offers Trek fans two of its finest hours, in terms of acting, story, and special effects. The episode allows more development of the space station's Cardassian tailor, brilliantly underplayed by Andrew J. Robinson, revealing that he has more up his sleeve than threads and needles.

Responding to a request from his mentor, Enabran Tain, superbly performed by stage and film veteran Paul Dooley, Garek is forced to interrogate a captured Odo in order to find out information that can quell the movements of "The Founders," the shape-shifting race to which Odo belongs. As the story develops, Garek pulls out all the stops in his questioning of security chief Odo, prohibiting Odo from reverting to his liquid state. This makes for some intense banter between the two.

Also in the cast are Juliana McCarthy, late of "Sisters", as Garek's housekeeper who is more to him than just a former employee of his parents.

Besides the expert acting from all concerned, the two episodes provide the first glimpse of major space battles to be seen on the series. It is obvious that the budget for this episode, along with "The Die is Cast," was significantly higher than previous ones.

These two are must-sees for fans of great science fiction drama.
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