News at Eleven (1986 TV Movie)
Foreshadows rampant news stories of teacher-student sex in early 2000s.
18 April 2006
Like the film "Coach" starring Kathy Lee Crosby of the late 1970's, the story in this film contains a teacher being sexually active with a student. The plot would like you to think the story is more concerned with responsible news reporting and Martin Sheen's character clearly makes that case but there is something peculiar about the reporter played by Sheen. Sheen's character is not concerned about the damage done to the junior-high or middle-school age girl who was statutory raped. The station manager, played by Peter Riegert, confronts the girl and she said what happened was "beautiful." Riegert's station manager character definitely showed more compassion as well as TV ratings greed. Sheen's character, true to his real life politics, cared less about vice. One or two years later after this "News At Eleven" film was completed, Rob Lowe, at the Democratic Party National Convention in Atlanta, was caught with an under-age girl. Rob Lowe and Martin Sheen worked together on the TV show, "West Wing."
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