The Last Run (2004)
off the charts funny
18 April 2006
I saw a screening of this in Baltimore a few months ago mainly because I'm a huge Wonder Years fan. This movie is absolutely hilarious.

The basic premise is Fred Savage finds out his girlfriend of several years is cheating on him so his best friend tells him to go have sex with as many women as he can to get over her. This movie is very funny, but not stupid humor, there are some really smart moments in it. Plus there are tons of really hot women in it, which is always a good thing.

I really hope this movie comes out soon. Every guy in the audience will find themselves nodding as Steve (Savage) goes through many of the same situations that you have also whether it be being dumped, shutdown by a girl at a bar, or just hate your job and your boss. I rarely write movie reviews on here because so many people do but this movie might get missed and I think its an instant classic in the making.
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