A Great Film That Went To 'Cheap Theaters' Too Soon
19 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've never quite understood why this movie was never a success. It has all the great qualities and ingredients that one looks for in a good drama. Historical or not. Aside from "The Color Purple",this is one of Whoopi Goldbergs finest movies.

She certainly should have gotten an Oscar for this role (which would have made more sense to me than winning from her smaller role in "Ghost"). The movie did moderate to lesser business at the main box office and in no time at all,was in the "cheap" theater's. That is where I saw this in 1991 and it was "the" best movie I saw in that kind of theatre (until Ray in Feb. 2005).

The story of how Goldberg's character has to walk many miles from her home to her housekeeper's job across town,speaks volumes on how the times were in 1950s south. Nearly 100 years after the civil-war had liberated them,blacks were still treated as second or third rate citizens.

I agree this is a great movie for kids learning about the downsides in our country's history,as well as the positives. As seen above ten stars is my vote and I hope this movie is your vote for renting,buying or checking out from a library. It's a simply,honest look at prejudice and the ways man can be so unkind to each-other. It's a great film,period. (END)
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