When Billie Beat Bobby (2001 TV Movie)
Surprisingly Funny/Poignant "documentary"-except for Willard...
21 April 2006
This movie (which I bought on DVD, having missed the initial TV run) takes a decidedly tongue-in-cheek approach to the legendary King/Riggs "Battle of the Sexes" tennis match...which is totally appropriate! Silver and Hunter do a magnificent job of portraying the combatants, who actually cared for each other and had no ill will towards the other. The movie does a fine job of showing that their "battle" was co-opted by others, rather than by anything they actually did (though both rode the hype to their own successes).

In addition, the movie is a hoot. King's nightmare sequences are absolutely comical, and you can actually feel Riggs' bewilderment with his "hustle" that has gone completely beyond his wildest dreams, as well as spun out of his control. And, the tennis playing is quite 'serviceable', to excuse the poorly adapted pun. Also, the historical accuracy is commendable (many forget that Riggs thumped Margaret Court before playing King--an event well adapted here, as well), and ABC file footage of the event is inter-spaced nicely.

The ONLY real criticism is the use of Fred Willard as Howard Cosell. He makes NO attempt to be anything except good ol' Fred with plastic hair (not even Howard's rug looked THAT bad), and every appearance of him on screen leaves one wondering, "WHY??" A definite drag on what was otherwise an excellent production.
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