Super Fun And Genuinely Funny Thai Horror/Comedy
22 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know what to think going into SARS WARS, except that I didn't think I'd really dig it all that much. I'm not a huge horror/comedy fan (although there are a few that are brilliant) so I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy this one very much. I have to say, I was VERY pleasantly surprised. SARS WARS is completely off the wall - and though very derivative in terms of most of the films "elements" - it pulls everything together nearly flawlessly...

Apparently the SARS virus has mutated into it's fourth strain that turns people into zombies. Thailand was unaffected until some bug flew in carrying the disease and bites a local resident. Next thing ya know all hell breaks loose in an office building where the virus is quickly being transmitted. Into this mix - throw in a bungled kidnapping plot and rescue attempt, a giant mutated snake, an acrobatic zombified baby, and a building full of zombies...yeah - you can't really miss with that combination.

The best part about SARS WARS is that it is genuinely funny. Like laugh-out-loud funny. The jokes work in this one. They don't feel overly forced (except in 2 or three parts where the actors address the fact that they're in a cheezy horror film - I HATE when that is thrown into films...) and again - even though many of the elements of the film are lifted from other films, it still feels fresh. I'm takin' 1\2 a point off for the irritating "hey we know we're in a cheezy B-film" references and another 1/2 point for the fact that there isn't 1 shred of nudity even though there are some scenes that would have easily called for it...other than that - I can't really find fault in this one. If you dig BRAINDEAD, EVIL DEAD 2, PLAGA ZOMBIE: MUTANT ZONE, and other zombie/comedies - you'll dig this one too...9/10
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