Review of The Wounded

Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Wounded (1991)
Season 4, Episode 12
The Cardassians introduced.
22 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
ST:TNG:86 - "The Wounded" (Stardate: 44429.6) - this is the 12th episode of the 4th season of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

This episode introduces one of the more memorable of Star Trek villains, the Cardassians. In this episode, it is revealed that the Federation and Cardassians have been at war for years and have only recently (a year go) signed a peace treaty.

However, there is a rogue captain, Maxwell of the Phoenix, who starts destroying Cardassian ships seemingly for no reason. Maxwell, whom O'Brien has served with, lost his whole family during a battle on Setlick and Picard now thinks he's up to revenge. He enlists O'Brien's help (along with 3 Cardassians including Gul Macet) in trying to persuade his former captain to stand down, but in the process must confront his own demons.

This episode brings to question, when you were in war for so long, can you find a role in peace (the same question that the samurai had during the Tokugawa era after the long civil war period of Japanese history)? Trivia note: Marc Alaimo plays Gul Macet (he will soon play a memorable Cardassian named Gul Dukat on Deep Space Nine). And you see O'Brien and Keiko having dinner together, the first time we see them AFTER the wedding from the previous episode. And it is noted that Picard first met the Cardassians while on the Stargazer, and under not-so-peaceful circumstances.
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