Hilarious -- One of the funniest Waters-esquire films I've ever seen.
24 April 2006
I just saw this film on Saturday evening (4-22-06) as part of the Gay and Lesbian Film Festival being held here in Palm Desert. I didn't know what to expect and was disappointed that the sound quality was so poor when the film began. The sound quality never improved. It didn't much matter since the dialogue was poor and the acting was even worse. The quality of this film was so uniformly poor, that one could only assume it was intentional and that this was a conscious decision to make the film so funny. The stilted dialogue and extremely amateur acting, not to mention the poor sound and filming quality were a bit reminiscent of John Water's early films. Actually, this was the film JW might have made when experimenting as a teenager. I have to say that in spite of its flaws (or because of them), I enjoyed the film a lot. I haven't laughed that hard at a film in a very long time. The people who were seated near me all had one question on their mind at the end of the film: Did the film's creator intend to make a comedy with this film? It didn't seem so since the film took itself so seriously. Anyway, I enjoyed it very much, even though it was probably not in the way the director intended.
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