24 April 2006
I tried hard to think of a reason to recommend this, but the best I can do is say it was ahead of it's time in terms of subject matter. The script is appalling, the acting wooden, and the gore non-existent. Yes it's from a bygone era, and from a historical point it may be of interest to some dedicated film buffs. But as a piece of entertainment or art, it fails miserably.

There is one 'lol' moment - well documented here - and a few unintentional laughs at the expense of the players. Gordon Oas-Heim is to be credited for making an effort, and with a better script and cast maybe he could've made a decent movie out of it, but the material just isn't there. I actually felt sorry for him both as an actor and as a character, for getting involved in something so dire! It's best viewed as a 'so bad it's good' exercise, maybe with some buddies after a few pints of strong ale. Or am I missing something?!
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