Funny movie, great acting
24 April 2006
I saw American Dreamz with my husband yesterday and enjoyed it immensely. The acting was inspired, everyone fit their role perfectly. Kudos to the person who cast the roles. It is not so much a satire, but a parody on America's obsession(and even the world's) with reality shows like American Idol. Hugh Grant nailed the obnoxious host perfectly,using the Simon Cowell as a guide, but making the character of Martin Tweed his own. Mandy Moore was perfect as the girl next door turned opportunistic contestant. Dennis Quaid was right on target as the president. Although many people think he was imitating Bush, I didn't find that to be true. He combined elements of Bush, Clinton and Reagan and gave the president his own personality. His character was not a dumb man, but rather a lazy, spoiled president who was used to having everyone cater to him, so he didn't have to do anything. He was manipulated not because he was stupid, but because he wanted to be.Dennis Quaid is such a natural actor, he can make any role he does seem like second nature. Sam Golizari as the reluctant Arab terrorist is hysterical. Marcia Gay Harden, Willem Dafoe and the rest of the cast all meshed to make the movie enjoyable. Chris Klein as Mandy Moore's boyfriend is the seemingly "straight man" but looks can be deceiving. You will find yourself laughing throughout the movie because the situations are so absurd, yet somehow plausible. I definitely recommend this movie, it keeps your attention throughout and there are no dull spots.
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