Street Trash (1987)
Good Stuff.
25 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Street Trash is a silly, entertaining movie. Anyone who likes shocking, gory, tasteless, senseless, over-the-top, exploitative, dark-humored movies should watch this, because thats all this movie is. It's also funny, clever, and sometimes even hip, and was shot pretty well considering it's meager budget. The thin story is about greasy drunken alley bums that come across a box of cheap booze (Tenafly Viper). When consumed by the bums, they melt and/or blow up. The gore here is sometimes stylish, with some of the melt-down scenes. The insides of the bums turn bright blue, bright green, and bright yellow, after consuming the booze. Other disgusting spectacles occur such as gang-rape, a dismembered penis, necrophilia, puking, and dismemberment. This is a fun film that any fan of bad-taste cinema should enjoy. It also features some pretty funny lines, and has good acting. The director of this went on to become one of the best steady-cam operators in Hollywood. His talent is very obvious in this picture. Three Stars.
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