Review of Stick It

Stick It (2006)
28 April 2006
So I just returned from Stick It, because my date didn't want to see Silent Hill and we both hate action movies, leaving our options limited. But enough about me, more about this abortion of cinema that is "Stick It".

What would best sum up just why this movie in particular was just so darn bad, was the entire lack of character development. Hailey is our supposed "punk rock rebel" (if you didn't get the hint from the devil's horns symbols over...23 times, highlighted by the "Too much rock for one hand!") who just goes against the grain for...well one would think I would have an answer for that one, but I don't. Her little smart ass comments that are supposed to make her sound witty and deep, turn her into just an ass. Like the kid in the back of class that keeps talking until he says something funny, no matter how stupid his witticisms sound. Way-Way is also subject to the lack of character development. The viewer is never let in on that she might be something of a loser or a nerd, leaving her big balance dance as nothing more than "Let's have an Asian try to be black, teenagers love that stuff!" The viewer does not know who to side with, because all of the characters are not people that would be considered decent human beings. Hailey and her friends are stupid "punks" (my God I use that term lightly), Joanne is the dumb blonde who just mixes words together and that is supposed to be perceived as funny, and .

The only decent thing about the movie is the gymnastics because it is very good, but to have the same anticipation building sequence repeated again and again destroys the beauty that is there.

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