I Not Stupid (2002)
I loved it!
29 April 2006
I watched this movie in 2002, which was like, four years ago now...and I actually watched it during school time. My Society and Environment teacher probably thought it was educational and she put it on for us to watch, and, being eleven at the time, I just thought it was really funny. It didn't really touch me, because I didn't understand the issues. I went crazy about it and I must have watched it ten times, but now that I watch it again, it seems to me there's a deeper meaning in the film, Ritz something cool and it's one of the films that really got my attention. I know that Singapore's system is quite a bit like Malaysia, except we're a teeny bit more laid-back. I couldn't quite identify with the characters, since I've been educated in an international school my whole life, but the thing about it was the acting. You have this chubby guy who messes everything up and you sometimes feel like you want to shake him, but other times you just feel so sad that he has such misguided parents. And then there's Kok Pin...he's just really depressing. I mean...wow, he's got such puppy-dog eyes and he's so sweet and nice...I kind of find it hard to believe that there's a kid who acts like Kok Pin does. The characters...the boys...they're all pretty young, but the thing about is them is that they're all so GOOD. Maybe that was unnecessary, but it's a bit freaky because I'm pretty sure there aren't any kids that age who are always doing the right thing. So, when I watched it, it was for the funny parts at the beginning, and I loved the soundtrack! :P I like the song!!! That was one of the things that reached out to me because all the lyrics really spoke out how students felt, and sometimes how I felt. It was cool. And I also loved the way they talk, because I'm used to seeing Hollywood and Hong Kong films, and the familiarity of the dialogue is just...nice. Comfy. It's so much like real life, it's like seeing the lives of someone you could've been, or realising how things are for so many students in Singapore and Malaysia. It's a movie that's great for kids and adults, and everyone will find something that they can relate to, that will make them think. Bottom line, this is my favourite movie so far and it's nice to see a teen/child flick that's not filled with angst and uncertainty and boy-girl relationships.
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