Review of Attached

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Attached (1993)
Season 7, Episode 8
Working together.
2 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
ST:TNG:160 - "Attached" (Stardate: 47304.2) - this is the 8th episode of the 7th and last season of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

In another intelligent and mature episode, when the Enterprise arrives at Kesprytt III to evaluate a request by the Kes, one of two very different societies that have been at war with each other with no contact for a century, for "associate" membership into the Federation. When Picard and Dr. Crusher transport down to the planet, they are kidnapped by the Prytt, ending up in one of their prison cells where they are accused of conspiracy and implanted with devices that make them "attached" to each other (including telepathically).

Soon, Picard and Crusher escape and head for the Kes border, but are slowed down by their new connection, enabling them to read each other's more intimate thoughts - and the link is getting stronger to the point they can't separate without getting nauseous. At the same time, the Enterprise must deal with the Kes and Prytt's paranoia in an attempt to rescue Picard and Crusher.

Trivia note: the Federation never has allowed "associate" membership before - that is, allowing membership for only one of the societies on any one planet (in every instance, membership is allowed only once the planet is unified). We also find out that Crusher has a fear of heights.
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