several notches below the original
3 May 2006
While I enjoyed this final THIN MAN movie, I've gotta admit that it was far less enjoyable than the first few entries in this series. Maybe the actors were getting tired or the writers had writer's block--but the movie just lacked the most important factor for a THIN MAN movie--FUN! Yes, some of the wonderful banter between Nick and Nora was present (particularly when Nora talks "jive"), but only here and there--not nearly as often or as hilarious as in previous films. And, unfortunately, the plot also is pretty convoluted (though I must admit that plot is NOT the primary reason people watched the films--it was the characters). Also, their son, played by Dean Stockwell, was never developed as a character and, Frankly, Nick and Nora seemed like TERRIBLE parents. Oh well, despite all these complaints, it still is a pretty good film--slightly better than average but that's really about all.
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