The message is clear
3 May 2006
I have seen the devastation of drug addiction - the pain it causes in families who have been touched by it and this film touched a chord in me. It is beside the point that it is low budget; it is beside the point that technically it does not measure up to the Hollywood movies; it is beside the point that maybe there aren't enough camera angles, something I would never even notice as a viewer; it is beside the point that it doesn't have cool special effects and a number of other high cost production perks; it is beside the point that there are no "big name Hollywood notables". However, it is the point that a group of people got together with whatever their talents, be they raw or experienced, great or small, to tell a story that has an impact. This is what counts in life. So, if you must judge this movie for what it lacks instead of the message it sends, you have missed the point.
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