"I don't want to hear anymore of this zombie drivel!"
6 May 2006
And I so agree with the above quote from one of the characters in this film! One of the worst zombie films I've ever seen and one of the worst films of any genre when it comes to it.

This is the video version on the cheapie DVD I got and only runs 75 minutes but in this case that is a blessing it's not the full length one. It took me all my diminishing strength to struggle through the short running time, don't think I could have managed anymore. Felt quite zombiefied myself at the end...

Jamie Gillis made his name in porn films and as is fitting, his performance here is 'wooden' too. Then again, he showed little passion in the adult films I've seen him in either, easy to see why he never made it in mainstream movies.

As noted by other reviewers, the story makes little sense, and when did foam become a weapon against zombies? I must have missed that 'Zombie 101' class. The technology of film-making has improved over the years but sadly, inept filmmakers are still with us.

The actual plot is pretty good, World War 2 zombie soldiers still fighting a war long over but it's totally wasted here. It's been done so much better in the pages of 'Weird War Tales,' a comic from the 1970's from DC comics, which specialised in this sort of horror tales.

Go pick up a back issue and don't waste your money on this rubbish.
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