The Nephew (1998)
This movie is a Fairy Tale. That's why I love it.
6 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is one of those feel good movies. It's not realistic, but I don't find that noticeable while I'm watching the film, because it's such a pleasure to watch. The characters are convincing, and very colorful, and I find myself invited to this much simpler world as eager to explore it as the main character, Chad.

While he takes you on a journey of discovering this town, it's people and his family history, it's hard to notice how unrealistically well the townsfolk accept him (the first person of color they've probably ever seen up close); or the nonexistence of a language barrier between Chad and the townsfolk. The storyline is too interesting for this kind of nitpicking.

Under the masquerade of family history there are several love stories. This movie relies heavily on a hopelessly romantic audience. Anyone not wooed by the romantic backbone of the story will probably consider this movie to be only mediocre, for they will focus on the large gap between The Nephew and the real world. But for people who love happy endings and watch movies hoping to see something lighter than real life, this movie is simply a delight.

Since I am one of those people, in my opinion this movie is wonderful.
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