High Strung (1992)
This is one of my favorite movies of all time
8 May 2006
I love movies so when asked the question what is my favorite movie, I can never narrow it down to one, but if I had to, I think this one may possibly be it. I don't think it is good for "mainstream" people, but if you are a fan of quirky movies, this is IT! My two daughters and I absolutely love this movie and probably quote it on a daily basis. I don't know why they like it, but I can tell you that one of the things I love about it is I can relate to it. I can definitely get on a rant, and then I sound a lot like Thane Furrows!! I think there's a little Thane in all of us, and those of us who aren't ashamed to admit it can find the humor in this movie. Besides, how can you not love a movie where Jim Carrey plays death? I would highly recommend that everyone see this movie at least once, and if you're like me, you'll want to see it again and again! A real off-beat comedy classic!!
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