Sailor Moon (1995–2000)
How DARE this show be given 3 stars out of 10??
9 May 2006
I am at a lost for words at how ONE vote of ONE can bring down the rating on this show so much! I've seen how many people absolutely adore this show, and I'm one of them. The show definitely deserves a better rating and definitely a better glance. I've watched this show for about 11 years now (I'm 17 now), and I'm still absolutely attached. Of course when I first watched, it was the DiC English dubbed version. Curiosity got the better of me though, and to this date I've seen 85% of the Japanese episodes. It's really a shame how this show was butchered when it was dubbed, and how so many people still dismiss this show as a "kid's show". Sailor Moon is so much more though. It's relatable in a lot of ways, like self consciousness and relationship problems, and it covers a lot of issues, such as homosexuality, sexuality in general, violence, etc. there's even swearing for goodness sake. I wouldn't really consider those "kid's show qualities".

Not only is it relatable though, it's got so many positive ends. It's HILARIOUS (EVERY character has their moment), the dialogue is great, it's absolutely touching at points, and it's just incredibly feel good.

And in my most humble opinion, the characters are so easy to love and relate to. You've got the hugest klutz with a heart of gold, Usagi. You've Ami, the genius with a sweet disposition. You've got Rei, a firey but sincere friend. You've got Mako-chan, the tough-on-the-outside-but-feminine tomboy. You've got Minako, the loyal but ditzy soldier. Mamoru, who is Tuxedo Mask, absolutely HOT. Then you've got the talking cats, Luna and Artemis. And those are the very main characters.

What I also love about Sailor Moon is how unique it is, and how it doesn't exactly follow a specific formula like a lot of other shows do. It seems simple, girl with magic powers kills monsters and saves the day. It's got a million subplots though that make you want to keep watching. And every season is a new villain, so you don't get bored, and it can also suit whatever mood you're in.

And also, it doesn't hurt that the music is dead on catchy. I've had some of the transformation music stuck in my head for days. And wow, I've just been going on for a very long time haven't I? I guess that's my review then.

Sailor Moon IS an AMAZING show, so before all you Sailor Moon haters who've only ever seen the dub version of Sailor Moon give this show a rating out of one (*COUGH*), I recommend that you watch it a bit of it in Japanese first, and then come back and vote. You might change your mind. ;) If not, then well, hopefully it'll still be higher than a one. ;) I've turned some of my friends over when they watched it in Japanese. :P

So yeah, Sailor Moon is an AMAZING, HILARIOUS and ADDICTIVE show. Honestly don't miss out on it, and don't judge is so quickly. You might love it if you gave it a chance. ;)

Definitely 10/10.
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