Duane Hopwood (2005)
a big disappointment
10 May 2006
I was amazed at the positive comments for this film. I rented it because I wanted to see what David Schwimmer was up to post-Friends. I also like Janeane Garafolo and feel I don't see enough of her in films. All I can say is that the film was, at best, disappointing. I read the comments and tried to see the things that were mentioned. I agree that the lead performances were good and as for "it was too depressing" that seems a silly remark--where is it written that a film should not be "depressing". My complaint is that there was NO plot whatsoever. A "slice of life", yes; but so what? A lovable loser who can't get it together--so what? If you've ever lived with an intractable alcoholic, you won't find this film entertaining at all. Drunks are not lovable--that's why they're usually divorced. To each his own, but I could barely sit through this drivel.
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