Mondo Bizarro....
11 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I know that this film has a lot of "defenders" - I guess I just didn't get it. I really enjoyed AT MIDNIGHT I'LL TAKE YOUR SOUL, and have yet to see THIS NIGHT I'LL POSSESS YOUR CORPSE - but AWAKENING OF THE BEAST was just too strange and "psychedelic" for my taste.

Two-thirds of the film is in black-and-white, and this part is semi-amusing. A psychiatrist relates tales of drug-users that show that all those that use drugs are delinquents and perverts. We have a woman who defecates in a pot for the enjoyment of a room full of men, A woman who peeks from her doorway and does bumps of coke and strokes her donkey (no, this isn't a word-play - I'm talking' an actual donkey...)while the butler bones her daughter, a shady filmmaker who whacks-off while an associate rapes a naive wannabe actress, and so forth. Though none of this is portrayed very graphically - it's still amusing. Then we get into a color portion that has this psychiatrist dosing up four volunteers with LSD, and they have strange visions including Coffin Joe and a series of strange delusions...

That's pretty much it with this one, and although the beginning was kinda entertaining, it wasn't sleazy enough to really be any fun. The end "trip-out" segment is just weird and long, and didn't hold my attention. I guess I prefer the more "straight-narrative" Coffin Joe films, as I stated before that I quite liked I'LL TAKE YOUR SOUL. The fans of this one can keep it. Mildly amusing, but dull overall...6/10
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