Review of Blind Beast

Blind Beast (1969)
Interesting And Haunting "Classic" Japanese Film...
12 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Wasn't sure what to expect with BLIND BEAST as I hadn't heard anything about it when I watched it - but I liked it quite a bit. Strong and interesting storyline, good acting, and an off-the-wall ending made this one an enjoyable "classic" Japanese erotic/horror/drama...

A blind sculptor kidnaps a famous model with the help of his mother, to use as the model for his "perfect" sculpture. The model is uninterested in the sculptors artistic pursuit (as is typically common of kidnapping victims...) and tries to devise ways to escape from the warehouse that she's trapped in. The sculptor is actually a very kind person who was raised solely by his mother, and only wishes to create the perfect replica of the model in clay form as a "tribute" to her. Eventually the model falls for the blind-man, and things get strange. When the mother dies from an accident, the sculptor and sculptee spend all of their time boning. Eventually the model starts to also go blind as a result of the poor lighting, and their sexual escapades become more dark and depraved as they yearn for deeper fulfillment. The ending is somewhat shocking and beautiful in an understated way, which I won't give away here...

BLIND BEAST is a unique film, in that it portrays some "controversial" (for 1969...) material in a straight-faced and serious manner. There is some nudity, but it's "light", and there is almost no blood - yet the ending is pretty violent. An interesting and deep film, that will probably appeal to Japanese-pinky fans or others that dig 60's/70's era Japanese films...8.5/10
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