Marilyn Monroe began to change her role
18 May 2006
I saw this movie in Aug 4,2005. And I saw it again yesterday. Yes. this is one of the most hilarious movies I've ever seen. Marilyn's acting role, as Amanda Dell, was great. Here in this movie, Marilyn Monroe was not the Marilyn Monroe we know.

In Niagara(1953) and The seven year itch(1955), both of these movies, she portrays as sexy-starlet. But in this movie, she is a very pure and fragile theater-actress Amanda Dell. Well, we know her platinum blonde hair attracts a lot of men, but her character,in this movie, is very friendly to girls. May be many girls lost their feeling of inferiority after watching this movie.

And I saw Marilyn Monroe, Yves Montand, Tony Randall, Frankie Vaughan and Wilfrid Hyde-White plus Milton Berle(40 million Americans call him as a Uncle Milky?) Bing Crosby(i love his song 'White Christmas')and Gene Kelly. These luxurious casting combination is very fantastic.

I never expected Crosby and Kelly to appear. I saw a preview version of Let's Make Love, in there, no cameo appearances of in the preview. But Kelly and Crosby's cameo appearing made my eyes happy.

I think Marilyn's acting career is more valuable in her 30's than 20's.Because in her 20's, she portrayed us her physical attraction. Sometimes she enticed a man(Niagara), Sometimes vivacious(How to marry a millionaire), and sometimes valiant(River of No Return).

But in her 30's her character showed fragile, pure and vulnerable. I found out these phenomenon in this movie,Let's Make Love. So I can figure it out her acting was changed.
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